Thursday, November 4, 2010

Embrace The Camera

Well this past Sunday was Maddux's first Halloween. We finally agreed on a costume... and adorable lil dinosaur!!! We decided to also make our dog, Nala a dinosaur to match her brother :) We went around and visited family members so they could see him in his costume and then we went trick or treating with my sister and her three little girls. It was a great day... Maddux definitely enjoyed the day. He got sugar from all of his grandparents... man he enjoyed that!
He still is refusing to stand... well he will stand up on his own but definitely on his own terms. So stubborn... I am hoping he will walk by the time he turns one... at one time that seemed so far away... no only four short weeks from now. Hes such a little booger... he stands all on his own until he notices me watching them and then immediately sits down... ha!!
So this past week he has also learned to scream when i take something away... man is that fun :) most of the time i can distract him... but wow when that doesn't work... well that's a good time.

Well by now you know the deal. I participate in Embrace the camera every Thursday... If you haven't heard of it take a look over there and read what its all about : )

Early in the day ... documenting our transformation from baby Maddux to Dino Maddux... In case its not obvious to you. Maddux was trying to escape :)

Here Maddux at Nana and Papas house crawling around... have i mentioned that I wish he would walk... stubborn lil dino...

and here's that adorable dinosaur standing... look at him... ahh sooo cute!!!!

And here he is with his cousin Aurora getting ready to go out trick or treating...  I love this picture!!!

And finally us embracing the camera... with our family photo shot Halloween 2010 :) Next year I am pretty sure we will really dork it up with a family costume.... My husband will push for Star Wars... I need to come up with something... haha.


  1. aww...I just love his dino costume :) So adorable! Nice family picture also!

  2. awww... so adorable... cute cheeks...

  3. The dinosaur costume is so cute

  4. oh those are so sweet! he looks perfect not walking, he really plays the part. sweet family you have!

  5. sweet costume.. love the pictures!

  6. His costume is so cute and you have an adorable family. :)

  7. Super cute Dino and I LOVE your sewing cabinet a few posts down!!!

  8. Cute costume! So glad he put it on :)

  9. He makes a great dino =) I like the first picture... haha, I remember those days.

  10. I have to agree with you! He is an adorable little dinosaur!

  11. the dino cuteness is too much... i'm ODing on cuteness here...

  12. Oh my, you took such great shots. I absolutely love the third one! But I can fully relate to the first one. haha! :)

  13. This makes me want to have children! SO cute! Those cheeks are so adorable!

  14. Love these pictures. I think the family one is so precious.

  15. glad I found your blog! my hubs is all about Star Wars, too....and my sons. I'm thinking next year I could be Princess Lei. Well, maybe!!
