Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Embrace The Camera

Its Thursday so you know what that means :)

So Wednesday night my son was happy WOUND UP! He was dancing with Mickey all crazy banging his head off the ottamon laughing... when he decided to let go continue dancing and picked up those little feet and moved in half a circle... So for me this counts as his first STEPS!!!!!! He had no idea what he just did and why me and his dad were over the moon excited clapping our hands and smiling and yelling yay!!!! so he got right back up and head banged his head into the ottomon some more. He must have thought that was what we were so excited about his.. head banging moves :)
Man this kid loves Mickey Mouse... Loves him. we have that dancing Mickey .. i dont know if you have seen it in the stores. well we have it sitting up on our entertainment stand just out of reach. and he just loves dancing along with him singing and clapping. Seriously this is the best toy for my kid. He LOVES it!!!!

I cant wait for him to walk... he just wont do it. He could do it. No problem. he stands he squats down to pick something up and stands back up.  This stubborn little boy right here...

I mean he is right there.... but when he was crawling around... i was thinking man this could be one of my last chances to get a picture of that little bum crawling around up in the air... and look at this little monkey butt :)

Well hopefully he decides to walk by his first birthday.. Crossing my fingers he decides its time to walk soon. because clearly it is on his terms only and he doesnt care what mommy and daddy are wanting :)
So stubborn... but oh sooo sooo adorable :)

Now your turn... get your camera out and embrace it :)

Join Emily over at The Anderson Crew :)


  1. What a cutie. Hopefully he'll walk for you soon :o)

  2. I LOVE the monkey pants. He is such a sweet smiley boy!

  3. sweet pics & yes, love the monkey butt!

  4. Super cute! But honestly... walking is way overrated :) If you get a chance you'll have to check out my post from yesterday to see what you have to look forward to ☺

  5. He's a cutie! He'll be walking before you know it!

  6. Oh goodness!! I agree with Wendy... embrace his non walking self right now!! haha walking babies are a whole new crazy world =) Good luck!!
    And wow, he's got some big beautiful blue eyes!!

  7. The monkey butt pants are so sweet! Ans his smile is adorable! I don't have children of my own yet, but I love how proud babies are of themselves when they begin walking!

  8. Oh man that hair and those eyes=ADORABLE.


  9. he is gorgeous! woo hoo for those first steps! love the one of the two of you together:)

  10. How cute! You both look giddy-happy. Love the photos!

  11. So adorably cute!!! Great photos!!

  12. He is so precious. I love these pictures especially the fun black and whites of you together.D

  13. Those eyes!! So sweet!!

  14. Adorable :) Love his hair.

  15. SO Cute and those eyes!!! Funny, my little guy loves Mickey Mouse too (his first birthday was a "Macky Mouse" party - my son's name is Mack) and his first steps were at his party, across the floor, to a cheering crowd!!! Glad you got the Monkey Buns shot!

  16. yea for first steps, and yea for adorable pic of you and your baby boy!!

  17. What beautiful pictures of you two!! He is adorable :)
