Thursday, November 18, 2010

Embrace The Camera

Its Thursday... i have been really behind on my posts lately. But Maddux's first birthday is in just a few weeks ... so i have been going CRAZY finishing everything to get that ready!

1. very important question... I am hoping one of you fabulous Embrace the Camera Bloggers posted it or at least could tell me who did. I am looking for a free template for photo booth lips for our photo booth we are doing at the party. Now i saw it posted on here not too long ago... and thought Okay I will go back later... and of course now i cant remember where I saw it and I am going crazy. Please Help!!!!!!

Back to my post :)

Maddux is still not walking... but my gosh is so so so so close. besides those few steps he took last week dancing... well thats all he has given to us... but he will stand constantly on his own and is barely touching the couch while walking along it trying to pull down anything and everything... so hope (for me) that he decides to take that big step in the next week!!!!!!

This past week I was running late from work... and unfortunately had a commitment i had to go to... so i only got to come home to see him for an hour... which was horrible. but my husband was playing with the camera at that momennt and snapped this photo... which i am grateful for because this week like i said i am birthday planning pyschoticness  mode. But I did get this good hug in... which made my night so much better!!!!!!

Hope you overlook all the diaper shots I seem to get. It seems like we get home and take the pants off immediately... so he is always in a shirt and diapers... he doesnt seem to mind :)

And I dont know if he has arrived at your mall... but this past weekend he was at ours... and well I couldnt resist. This is Maddux's first picture with Santa... Look at that little smile!!!!!


  1. my boy seems to always be missing a shirt! lol. I love you hair. Wish mine would curl like that :)

  2. I love that first picture, snuggles are so lovely!

  3. He looks like such a big man in the picture with Santa. =)
    And I love your headband. I'm a bit obsessed with headbands...

  4. So so cute, and I love your headband!!

  5. Snuggles with mummy are the best! You're lucky Maddux hasn't figured out how to pull his diapers off! We always have to have pants on in our household, otherwise little fingers will just rip that diaper off!

  6. hmmmmm, can't help you with your question---i haven't seen those around.

    i love your snuggle's way sweet :)
