Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Few Xmas gifts.....

I made my mom and Rod a few things for Christmas....

These are the two I remembered to take photos of :)

My mom liked my chalkboard I made for my kitchen so I decided to make her one also. Instead of using Normal black Chalkboard paint I decided to use the teal that we used for Maddux's chalkboard table we made him. And since this is for the kitchen.... I decided coffee was appropriate... Mmmm coffeee.... one of the best things in life ;)

I found this Mirror at the Goodwill.. (well it was a mirror) and thought the shape was fun... so i painted the mirror with chalkboard paint. then painted the frame.. added the vinyl and hot glued the ribbon... because well i am not the best painter and there were some "issues" where the chalkboard paint met the brown paint... oops :)

And for Rod my step dad... I wanted to make him something since I made my mom something. But sometimes its hard to come up with ideas for guys... well they just got a new pool table... so I decided to make him this sign. I painted this piece of wood a light green color... then added the vinyl. Then painted the blue... then peeled the vinyl off... did a lot of sanding to make it look a little worn.... and well here we go... First attempt at something like this... isnt amazing. but pretty good. hopefully this gets better. ill have to work on it some more :)

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