Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Circus Birthday Party

Maddux's first birthday!!!!!!

Embrace The Camera Readers... I am cheating this week.... and using the blog I posted earlier this week.
Here are more pictures of Maddux's first birthday! This was the first birthday party I had thrown. Even though it was A LOT of hard work. I loved how it turned out!!!!!!!
This week we have 1 year photos, Christmas parties, Mom needs to finish Christmas shopping/making gifts.... so hopefully you will excuse my laziness :)

Melody Steiner for 98% of the photos shown below!!!!!! :)
All of the birthday signs, party hats, cupcake toppers, birthday banner,etc came from DimplePrints :)

This party was a lot of work... but so much fun to plan. And I learned a lot about what to do and what not to do for his next party :)

Thank you to everyone who came and celebrated with us. We love all of you.
Some photos of the decorations....

Bags for the kids to put their prizes in and Party Hats :)

Circus Ball Tent (which was a HUGE hit)

Games for the Kids ...

The Details of the Dessert Table!


The Food table....

Game Details.... 

The Kissing Booth we had a jar of hershey kisses... and people had to guess how many were in the jar :)

Ring Toss.....

Each Game was set up like a carnival... where after you played the game you got to pick a prize. Our ring of fire game... you had to throw the monkeys thru the blazing ring of fire.... or blazing ring of cardstock flames :)


Bean Bag Toss:

 Clown Knock Down:

Inventory on the presents :)

My sister... the hit of the party. The face painter :)
Some of her masterpieces...
The Angel
The Puppy....
The Devil...
 The Butterfly
The RockStar

Photo Booth Pics!

Join us Saturdays at tatertotsandjello.com for the weekend wrap up party!


  1. I definitely thought you were a little over the top but worth every second.....really cute

  2. You are SUPER MOM!!! Love all the details!! The balloon wreath is my fav!!!!

  3. You are a mama after my own heart. Wow. What a party!

    Love that balloon wreath. The lettering. The details.


    Becoming a follower now.

    nicolette @

  4. That was one serious party. I just love those mustashe chocolates. What a fun time!

  5. Hi! I am a new follower from today's blog hop. I am looking forward to reading more of your blog. Come check out my new blog hop Thrifty Thursdays.

  6. what a blast! And a ton of work!!! Nicely done.

  7. Blown away by this party!! Wish I could have a slice of that yummy cake!

  8. Thanks for sharing more pictures!! And of course for ALL the inspiration :)

  9. Holy cow! What a wonderful party. It all looks lovely.

  10. That is quite a party!! Such detail and well thought out! Great job!

  11. My goodness! What a party!!! Thanks for linking up to Thrilling Thursday @ Paisley Passions :) Hope you stop by again soon.

  12. Amazing party! Great job!
    ~Abbey from DimplePrints

  13. Great party ! Wondering where your found the tent? How did that work, just add balls inside and let them go? Thx, E

    1. We found the tent on amazon :) I just bought a cheap pack of balls and threw them in there! :) They loved it. Thanks for stopping by! :)

  14. Love all your ideas. Wanted to know exactly what games you had set up and where you found your prizes. Also. where did you find the Ferris wheel.. thanks so much for sharing your ideas. I really enjoy your blog.Jennifer

  15. Love your ideas!! Totally awesome. I would like to know if you don't mind sharing what games you had set up and where you got the prizes for them. Also, where you got the Ferris wheel. Thanks again, really enjoy your blog. Jennifer

    1. Thank you Jennifer! The ferris wheel came from Hobby Lobby. All of the prizes came from the dollar store. We had 5 games set up. Ring of fire (we threw monkeys through the hulu hoop that had paper fire glued onto it). Ring toss(coke bottles and glow bracelets). Kissing booth(guess how many hershey kisses were in the jar). Bean Bag Toss(bean bags into lions mouth). Clown Knock down(bean bags knock down wooden clowns) Hope that helps! thanks for stopping by! :)

  16. Hello. where did you find the wooden clown plaques for the clown knockdown game? Super cute! You did a fabulous job with all of the details!

    1. Tiffany - i actually found these on Ebay. Hopefully you can do a search and find them still? The guy who did them actually made them in several different characters. I hope that helps! :) Thank you for taking a look. The circus party was so much fun planning!

  17. I love your ring of fire! I am trying to make one that looks just like yours, if you could help me out I would greatly appreciate it! Like maybe where you got the fire templates and how big you made them? Any advice on how to make this would be great! Thanks!

    1. Hi Beth! I just googled and found a fire template online. Im pretty sure I threw it in a word document and sized them 3 different sizes. Its been a few years since I made this... but I am pretty sure I used 3,4,5 inches? and I just cut them out randomly in different colors and glued them onto the hula hoop. I layered them just a tiny bit. Once you start.. you will see how easy it is. up close it looks weird as you do it. so make sure you take a few steps back as you go to see if you like it :) Thanks for checking out the blog! :)

    2. Thanks! I have been searching for templates and haven't found anything I liked :/ They look way bigger than 3,4, & 5...I was gonna do like one on an 8.5x11! LOL
