Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Subway Art

I have been loving all the Subway Art being done by everyone.... I have been nervous to try it out myself. But I decided... eh what the heck.

So I had the hubs run to lowes have a board cut to the measurements I wanted for our wall... He brought it home... I spray painted the whole board black. Then cut out vinyl quotes I wanted for our family rules.
Placed them on the board. Spray painted a light blue a few coats.... then once dried I peeled off the vinyl. Now on some of these I had to do some touching up so if you see some weird looking letters well that was probably me trying to touch it up. To be honest  I am an impatient person and if you look closely that shows in this project.
I dont think its too bad for my first try at Subway Art :)
I am quite pleased with the way it turned out. Now I just need to get it hung up on the wall!!!!!!!

Here is what I came up with for our House Family Rules.
It reads as follows.
Dream BIg
Try New Things
Pay With Kisses
Listen to your Parents
No Whining
Say I love You
Do Your Best
Forgive Others
Use Kind Words
Hug Often
Sing Silly, Dance Crazy, Snuggle Often
Say Please and Thank You
Keep Your Promises
Say Your Prayers
Always Tell the Truth
Be Grateful
Wish on Stars



  1. I love it!! You did a great job in this project!! The color blue brings outs the black letters..nice work!!

  2. Thats a great idea! You did an awesome job- i may have to be a big ol' copy cat! lol

  3. I love this idea!! GREAT JOB!!! It looks awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I love subway art! It's so cool!

    Please come link up at my linky party today through Sunday!
    Hope to see you there!

  5. I love your subway art!
    Visiting from the blog hop. I'm so glad I found your blog.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  6. This is really cute! Totally inspiring :)

  7. The blue color sets it apart from the other subway art out there. Great job!

    Warmly, Michelle
