Sunday, February 6, 2011

DIY Anthropologie Inspired Necklaces

I followed the tutorial at Little Miss Mama to make these.

Anthropologie has fabric flower necklaces with $$$$ price tags. And for me this works just as well and only cost me less than 4 dollars to make.

Since I dress up Monday - Friday. My Saturdays and Sundays ... If I actually put effort into what I am wearing its a pair of jeans, plain top, and a cardigan. These necklaces add a lot!

I followed her steps. For the chain on mine I took two old necklaces I dont ever wear and cut them in half and glued each half onto the back of these.

Hopefully you like them as much as me. Im a sucker for any accessories that include fabric flowers... :)

I have made a few... in different fabrics... heres the red one.
Dont mind the pictures.... Since i work all week... and its crappy weather lately... i cant get a natural light photo... so i had to not only work with the flash.. but also taking your picture in the mirror.. is hard.....but i gave it a try..



  1. Love how yours turned out! And esp love the pictures :) Working on my red one for V-day too with LMM tutorial ;) Love her! Hope mine turns out as great as yours!

  2. I just saw these the other day and am dying to make one!! By the way your outfit with the red belt to match is adorable! If that's how you describe dressing down, I was to see your dress up outfits!! :)

  3. Oh how cute...I am running to Michael's to get supplies to make it...Will show everyone soon!!
    My blog is

  4. I nominated you for the Stylish Blogger Award!! Check it out on my blog!

  5. I love these necklaces and I really think the pictures are cute.

    I also wanted you to know that I gave you the stylish blogger award check out the post here
