Thursday, March 3, 2011

Embrace The Camera March 3rd.

This week I decided to change it up for ETC.

She is the definition of unconditional love.
She makes me want to be the person, she believes me to be.
She holds all of my secrets.
She is always available to listen to my problems.
She is the best snuggler you could ask for.
She is genuinely happy to see me everyday.
She shows Maddux more patience than his momma some days.
She is supportive and understanding.
She taught me more about myself, Than I could teach her in a lifetime.

I am truly grateful to be blessed with such a beautiful, loving, faithful dog daughter
Our Nala.

I know there are more of you out there... like me. and feel the same way.
She is not my pet. She is my family.

A dogs ability to love is truly inspiring. Her loyalty... Amazes me.
I love this dog... like she is my child. She was the beginning of Jerry and I becoming a family.

She taught us patience, understanding, and compassion.
She has taught us more than we have taught her. I guarantee it.

Thank you Nala for everything you do for our family.
You are an amazing big sister.
I cant even try to sum up how it makes me feel to see the bond already developing between her
and Maddux. She is already his best friend.... and she takes on that role... currently
with more patience than I could ever dream of... and lots and lots of puppy kisses.

This dog is nothing less than Perfect.

And we are thankful that she has accepted us as her family.

Come hang out with Emily.
All the awesome people do

47.  Flowers.
48. Fresh baked bread
49. smiles from strangers
50. singing wheels on the bus with Maddux
51. the smell of bacon cooking
52. baseball starting back up. Hello Spring :)


  1. Awesome! Love the puppy love :)

  2. There is almost NOTHING that compares to the love for a pet. These dogs are such amazing additions to our families. My children have learned what unconditional love already with their dear golden retriever. Great post on lifting up that dog, ahem, daughter of yours!! I finally got a daughter too...

  3. your Nala looks a lot like my sister's dog. so beautiful.

  4. beautiful! I have two furry babies that are family for sure!

    btw...I have a Maddox, too :)

  5. such a sweet post and that picture is adorable!

  6. I felt exactly the same way about our family dog growing up! Now, if only my husband had similar feelings...

  7. Awww... that is super sweet ~ you're such a good mommy :)

  8. What a cute dog! Mine is a member of my family too!

  9. I love it! My dog was my first baby, he is definitely part of our family.

  10. Such a sweet post! Amazing the bonds we can have with pets!

  11. nothing like the unconditional love of a dog! we have a cockapoo that is seriously, the world to me!
    cute pic!

  12. she sounds like a sweet dog!

  13. Very cute! Makes me wish for a dog! We can't have any pets in out rental. :(

  14. We feel the same way about our cat and dog. They are family not pets.
