Thursday, July 7, 2011

Embrace The Camera

This past week we went on our first family vacation. We decided to road trip it to Cincinnati Ohio. Random... I know but if you are curious why we chose that go here
In Cincinnati we went to the Newport Aquarium... which was amazing. I have never seen so many sharks! And the penguins were very interactive... Maddux adored the penguins. He clapped and giggled... and shouted "Nala!!!!!" (our dogs name... which has now became his name for any animal... ANY animal!)
Maddux will most likely not remember this vacation... but this vacation was so special to me. I got to spend an entire week with my family... no work... no distractions... it was absolutely perfect in every single way.
Here are a few of my favorite moments from the Aquarium!

We looked at sharks
pet sharks
played with penguins
talked to jelly fish
had lunch on the levee
went back in to repeat all the above
passed out from exhaustion....

We had a great day at the aquarium!

225. Playful Penguins
226. Backpack Child Carriers
227. Experiencing new things as a family
228. The excitement of a new city
229. Cracker Barrel - anywhere we go (maddux's favorite)


  1. adorable pics! and way to rock those shoes! CUTE!

  2. Looks like so much fun. And your shoes are awesome!

  3. sweet pictures! i'm also impressed that you walked around all day in those shoes!

  4. looks like a blast! we love aquariums and my hubby is from ohio, we need to check out that one! you are so gorgeous!
