Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Apple Orchard

The weather is quickly changing. It is getting cold... Fast!
So we decided to hit up the Apple Orchard one final time this season. We bundled up and headed out. This is usually my favorite trip to the Apple Orchard. It is a tad chilly, but for once it is not packed. The play area isn't too busy where my Mom Freak Out Mode doesn't kick in. Because I can actually watch him from a distance.... and see where he is at all times. And once we start getting a little too cold we can go inside and warm up with warm apple cider or a bowl of chili.
I am telling you... end of the season is the perfect time to go :)

We walked around and picked up a few more jars of our favorite salsa... got another bag of apple donuts... sampled all the goodies they had out :)

Then we took Madders to play on the play area. Gave him some freedom and let him run about. He ran inside the barn to look at the pigs, goats, and chickens. Then ran from tractor to tractor. Through the maze... then with the help of his father jumped from giant tire to giant tire.

We started to get chili and headed in for apple cider, apple pie, apple donuts, BBQ and chili.

Then on our way out... we hit up the pony rides...

Lets just hope we bought enough salsa to last us a few months before I start having withdrawals. That sweet corn salsa is addicting :)

The apple orchard has become one of our favorite fall traditions.

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