Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Basement... Day 2.

Second day of working on the basement...

So far we have framed out all of the walls....
We have started running the electrical wire...
And cleaned up a lot of the mess from framing the walls.. .

So here we are... some photos on the progress...

Sweeping up all the sawdust... that was EVERYWHERE!

We finished framing out our back wall and put in the frame for the door...

Framed out the back wall...

Framed out the short wall coming down the stairs. Also back to the left framed out the wall leading to the soon to be bathroom and created a door frame.

Framed out the stair case... then cut in and created a doorway for Maddux's little club house...

Here is our next step.

So up next... they ran the electrical under the beams... so we have to move those for the drywall. So my step dad is nice enough to take care of that for us. So that will be what we work on for the next week. Getting the electrical figured out... getting the can lights ready... insulating a few walls...

and then we can get ready to drywall. And that is when this will finally start looking like a room.

So maybe in a week or two we will actually have some photos with the drywall up. Fingers crossed :)

1 comment:

  1. Won't lie, I cannot wait to see how his clubhouse under the stairs turns out!!!
