Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Basement Phase 1

Last week I shared the "before" photos of our basement. Which you can find Here

My Step Dad and Mom came over Sunday to help us frame out the walls... So about 6 hours later... we got to the point of about 70% of our walls are framed...

When you first get down the stairs... you see... this

This area will be our storage area.. that will be sealed off with a barn door.

Then from there... we lined the whole left side... which is framed out. 

We haven't decided what we are doing with this area... Hoping to use it for entertaining... but on a normal day. Nothing has been decided on yet.

Then we created the wall on the far side... behind it will be more storage.
This wall will hopefully house our projector screen. That's the dream.

 And in the photo above you see the mess of all the cutting... Fun :)

Now this weekend we are working again on it. Hopefully a few hours on Sunday... so we need to frame out this back wall... which we are planning on using as a serving area...
The side walls are framed... so we just have the back wall.

Then we have to finish that back wall. and create the area for the door to get back to all that fun mechanical stuff.

We have to finish this short wall that comes off the basement stairs...

And then this messy area here... will someday be a bathroom. :)

So this weekend we got most of the walls framed. Most of the credit goes to Rod. Because we had no idea what we were doing.

We are planning on finishing the walls this weekend.
Then working on the lighting.
We need to move the lighting in some area... add some in others... and we need to start the wiring for the outlets.

Then comes the drywall.

So there you have it. A lot of progress... even though it doesn't look like it too much ;)

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