Friday, October 19, 2012

Pumpkin Patch 2012

Well we did it. We made it to the Pumpkin Patch this year. Sadly the night we chose to go was stormy... but we got a good hour in before the rain started.

They did not have the pony rides, pumpkin flinging, or any of that going on. They put all that away since we were expecting rain. Which was a total bummer.

But Maddux did not seem to mind. He ran around the place like crazy. Wanting his picture taken with every single board you could put your head through.

He loved the animal area... where he stood and "Baaa'd" at the goats. {My family should not be surprised how much he loves to make sheep noises ;)}

He loved looking at all the pumpkins... Everywhere! Especially the Giant pumpkin!

The kid had so much fun just sprinting all over the farm... he did not even notice all the bounce houses deflated in one corner of the farm. He just ran and ran and ran. I swear this kid is faster than me at age 2... No way will I be able to keep up in a few years. Which just reminds me... I really should start running. (Maybe next week...)

Once the rain started... we went inside for food. Where Nana and Papa met us.
Of course... He picked the biggest cookie the place had to offer...

But we had a great time at the pumpkin patch. Every morning he wakes up and asks to go back... So even though everything was taken down and the weather was terrible.. it is nice to know he had a great time :)


  1. Looks like lots of fun! That is one BIG cookie!

  2. Love this! Sending love from New York City, hope you are well. Please follow me! & like me on Facebook! If you have bloglovin, we should follow each other!
