Monday, December 10, 2012

Faux Fireplace for Mrs Emily :)

Ms Emily wanted a fireplace for the holidays so I went onto Ana-White and found fireplace plans.... here.

These plans for fairly easy to follow. Emily wanted a chalkboard background to hers... which I bought a piece of plywood cut it down and nailed it into the 1x3s on the back.

I love the way this turned out ... I love it so much I am thinking of building one for my basement once we finish it. Or even out bedroom. I might just add these everywhere. Just kidding. But seriously i will be adding it somewhere ... and originally i was thinking the basement but now i am considering my bedroom. hmmm decisions.. decisions...

but anyways. Enough about my decorating ADD.

I think i like to lose myself in dreamland because all i do is paint trim anymore at my house. Most boring job ever. seriously. I just want the trim to be done. Its never ending. Have I mentioned... I hate painting trim? and once I am done with the trim. I have to paint doors. shoot me now. seriously.

Any who.

Photos of Emily's adorable fireplace (that yes... once again I styled and took pictures of it in my front yard) My neighbors no longer seem to be phased by this though. They are now considering this to be normal behavior. ;)


  1. I love it! And I love that you styled it outside!

  2. Umm, I LOVE it!!! Seriously, is there anything you can't do? It's beautiful :) Now I want one for my front room!

  3. Love it! You did an amazing job!

  4. Fawn! I'm obsessed with it and just love it and you times ten! Now we just have to figure out how to get it to my house since it clearly doesn't fit in my suv - oops! xoxo
