Thursday, January 10, 2013

Trim Update

Since I have been painting trim for the past year (well it feels that way.. its only been about a month... OK maybe three months.) But its taking forever. there is so much trim to paint. and well I get bored and leave it then come back to it. I need to just do it and get it over with. but I lack motivation when it comes to trim. Yuck.

Plus when i start getting bored with it I start to get sloppy. and really that's going to just make me redo it so I leave it and come down. Currently the living room, hallway, powder room, laundry room, entry, kitchen, and mini office area are done.

Still working on the master bedroom. master bath. Maddux's bath. the playroom. Maddux's room. the spare room. and ... eventually the dining room.

But one area of the house that is done (not the only... I have been working on it for this long... there is more progress than just this... )

But I thought since I am busting my butt painting trim night after night. well OK. 3 nights a week ...

I might as well share some progress. So the mini office is complete. trim is painted. and it looks amazing :) 

So here's the update! :) small. but this picture makes me happy. because it reminds me that all this work... is worth it. (in my personal opinion... white trim isn't for everyone. but it makes me happy!)



If you notice there are two computers. The one on the right no longer works. but there is a small chair there also... Maddux sits here sometimes while i blog and plays on that computer...So now our desk has been set up with two workstations :) 

Anyone want to come over and finish painting all my trim? I make a really good cup of coffee for trade... any takers? Puh-leeze ...

1 comment:

  1. I actually like painting trim. I will do that. You hang out with Dude. :P
