Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bringing the outside... In.

A while ago I pinned this photo on Pinterest...

I loved the color that the front door brought into the house.

So that got me thinking... I loved the color of my front door. The color seriously makes me happy. So I thought why not put that on the inside of the door.

I plan on painting the rest of the interior doors black... soon.
So maybe the entry door being a different color... would be nice.

So I got bored one night ... and figured why not.

I love the door now. Maybe its just the color teal?  Either way. I love it.
It looks awesome against the newly painted hallway.  I went with the color Museum Piece by Benjamin Moore. And it might be my favorite paint color in the house yet.  Don't mind that unpainted bit in the bottom left hand corner. I had to repaint the trim there and well... yeah I should paint that this weekend and stop making excuses... :)

So I am actively working on this are of the house. I plan on painting the closet doors black and adding moulding to get them more... character. I guess that would be the word.

Then I am working on a gallery photo wall which would be across from the chalkboard wall.

Then sometime.. I am hoping to refinish our stair case. I am thinking about stripping the banister and staining that dark. Then painting all the spindles white. But Im not sure on that yet. I would really like to find someone to pay to do that. Is that possible? Anyone know of any local painters looking for a side job?

There is that weird area above the door. I am not sure what to do with that...

And I need a larger rug. Bad. I have a hard time committing to rugs though. Seriously. Its a problem.

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