Saturday, March 30, 2013

Snippets of Home

My new weekly project has been to share a few of the little things in our home I like most.
As mentioned last week I got this idea from Blueberrys Blog. I found myself always looking for this post. I just love the little details we put into our homes... So I thought I would start sharing mine.

1. A caterpillar my Uncle Dave made for me when I was born. I love this thing. It went to college with me, was in Maddux's nursery. Now sits in on a shelf in our playroom. I believe this will always be on display somewhere in my home... at all times.

2. I built Maddux a new play table a week ago (still working on the seats before I share it) But the entire time I made it. He sat next to me oohing and ahhing about how cool it is. He plays on this thing every single day. He loves it. It is so fun building him things because of how much he appreciates it even at such a young age. He is so excited.

3. The boys reading in the playroom :) I love anytime Maddux decided to whip out his books.

4. Engineer print framed. I love this thing. it is 3 ft long and 2 ft tall. Easiest thing in the world. Best part. the print was only 4 bucks so this will be simple to change out whenever we want.

5. Best greeting card ever. Ever.

6. And new art piece that came from the Foundry. I love this thing. It just makes me laugh. It currently hangs in the entryway. :)

So there are a few of my favorite things in our house I wanted to share that may have been missed on my blog. What makes a home unique always lays in the details. I tend to like a lot of turquoise and a lot of random :)

What makes you happy?