Tuesday, April 16, 2013

DIY Engineer Print Frame

So i was sitting in Maddux's room the other day with him and I was looking at his giant Chewy and Han poster (which is the most awesome thing EVER)

I bought this off of EBay when we first moved in and it was one of those posters that comes in sections. so at the time Jerry attached it to cardboard and we nailed it up into the wall.

Well after framing out the engineer print of Maddux in kitchen. I was thinking that this would look a lot better if we created a frame.

However... it was tricky because I did this the lazy way and just nailed it into the wall (I believe it was 3 in the morning) the first weekend we moved in and all I wanted was to get his bedroom done. So exhaustion and sleep deprivation...
well I wasn't thinking clearly.

So i have this fear if I take it down. I will ruin it. so I decided to avoid it. Since it does not sit flat against the wall Because we used the cardboard. that was the biggest problem. we could not get the frame to lay flat like we did in the kitchen. so it took some improvising.

So I measured the print. Jerry cut the 1x3's at 45 degree angles to create the base frame. 
Its massive... as you can see

It was really simple to make using the Kreg Jig. just a few into each corner... like so

A couple of coats of stain. And We nailed this into the wall on top of the existing poster. Now since that poster was standing off the wall on the cardboard, it was impossible to get flat. So I cheated. And took some stained 1x2s and nailed them into the frame we put up to get rid of the gap created by the cardboard and it appears that it is sitting flush with the wall. There are no photos of this process because really there was no method to my madness. I was cheating and just nailing boards in to make it look like this was what I had planned the entire time

And there you have it. My 6 dollar custom poster frame. Now looking at these photos I need to get rid of that orange wood trim. Bad.

I am loving framed engineer prints. Have you all seen the ones where you take photos of your child's favorite toys? Adorable! 

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