Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Getting my Geek on....

You all know I am a geek.
And probably have witnessed my Star Wars footed pajamas photo on facebook.. That I literally live in. Every single night.

So when I saw these on Etsy...

I of course again. Decided I could probably do this on my own.

So I searched online. Found some Star Wars Silhouettes Here

and printed them off.
Traced them onto black card stock..
Framed these prints.
And this project was done

and this is my favorite thing in my bedroom right now.

This weekend I plan on finding some hardware I can add to the shelves that will say.
I love you.
I know.

And then adding these to the gallery shelves in the bedroom. Which I haven't shared with you yet because I am still filling these shelves up with everything that makes me happy :)

And Han and Leia ... they make us happy.


  1. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you only knew that I was going to marry Han Solo when I was 7 years old...these are so cool!!

  2. How fun and so easy!! So many fun possibilities! Thanks for sharing! Shared on Twitter!

    Kristine -The Foley Fam {unedited}
