Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mothers Day - DIY Gift #3

We are cutting it close on mothers day.. and if you haven't started you might be short on time. So this idea is perfect!

This present is for great grandmas.

I decided to use Maddux for this one.

We went and grabbed some pots. 
And some outdoor paint.
And Maddux went to town :)

And 20 minutes later. 
Added some flowers...
and now we have beautiful planters :)

These are easy and who wouldn't love having one of these in their garden... or on their patio... or even on their front porch?

These would be perfect with a little tag that says... Thanks for helping me bloom! :)

Corny.. Corny. I know. but it would be adorable... just saying!

Linked up at Tatertots and Jello

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