Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Interview with Maddux

The other night I decided to sit down and ask Maddux a few simple 
questions to see what he would say ... 
And pretty much... None of this surprised me except for 
what his daddy's favorite thing to do was. That one... still makes me laugh

Who is your favorite person? Mommy
How old are you? Three
What is your favorite color? blue
Favorite song? Goooo Superheroes
Favorite movie? Super Friends
Favorite toy? Wonder Woman
What is daddy's favorite thing? smelling flowers and water
What's Mommy's favorite thing? Jumping 
Where do you want to go on vacation? The castle with Mickey
Favorite food? Peanut butter and banana tacos
Best friend? daddy
Favorite super hero? Iron man, captain America, and avengers
Where does dad work? In the car
Where does mom work? In the house
What do you want to be when you grow up? A monster
whats your favorite book? Avengers Assemble
Whats your favorite shirt? Jacket
Favorite animal? lions.... monkeys... tigers.... frogs... and worms
Favorite drink? Water in my super friends cup
What is your favorite treat? Cookies!

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