Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Patio... Day 1

I am so stinking excited about this project!

This is a project I am happy to say we are not helping with. We have a couple of HUGE projects going on right now... and this one.. we are just paying to have done... and not having to lift a finger. which is awesome! We are actually hiring a local company to do it for us

So here is the before shot of our yard... and this grassy slump is where I want a patio... We currently have a walkout basement to ... weeds. It is terrible

We have the deck above... which I want to change the stairs.. so that they land on the patio. so those will be moved. and I am not sure how much of it we will be able to use they are in pretty bad shape

but for now...

Here is day 1 of the patio project.

Beautiful. huh?

Yes.... That is my trampoline sitting awkwardly right next to my house. Why you may ask? well because the Easter Bunny brought it for Maddux and that was the only level spot we had at that very moment. So there it went... and yes it sat there. Yep... those neighbors. But not much longer...

and those gutter thingys we cant figure out where those even came off of. So its a mess.

Two of the biggest challenges with this house.. for me were the dining room and the yard. I almost didn't want the house because of them and Jerry had to convince me...

Luckily those are two things were are currently once these are finished... I will be a lot happier with the house...

Now that we have a plan for two problem areas... I am very excited.

The company came out yesterday.... Marked the area. we finalized the stone we wanted and color. And Monday they begin. Best part of all they said as long as there is no rain they should be finished by Wednesday!

Our backyard is getting some major updates this year. and it needs it. bad.

I want to plant under our deck in part of it. Anyone have any shade plants they love?

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