Thursday, June 20, 2013

Patio - Day 4

Day 4: They started laying stones And I am getting more and more excited for this to be finished!

I am so happy we decided to hire out for this project. I really considered taking the DIY approach... but I wanted something that would last and last and I just knew we would have a lot of trouble leveling the yard. I watched about fifty YouTube videos on how to do it and thought... we test our marriage enough with my DIY projects I probably shouldn't put him through leveling a yard.

So I was nice and agreed (after about 10 conversations of ... Fawn, I really do not want to attempt this) conversations...

So I talked to my dad and suggested a guy he knew. I trust my dad's opinion 100% but I also wanted to shop around... because I am cheap... and I like to know I am getting a bargain. So we got about 7 quotes... and this by far was the best quote... and they were insanely professional.. and had my dad's stamp of approval.

So far I have been impressed with how much they have worked on our patio. I am shocked at how much work it is... and thankful that we are not doing it (although... I wont admit that to the hubs)

But if anyone is looking for a Rockford Area Landscaper.... even though it is not finished yet... I can tell you by their work ethic and how quickly it is coming along I would highly suggest Keelings Landscape in Rockford... you can check out their information Here.

So like I said they started laying stones today... and at the end of day 4 we are here:

You can't tell from the photos... but they are about halfway done.
So excited!

Hoping the weather plays nice so they can finish it up tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. It is very nice, I have loved seeing your photos and reading your posts :) Thanks for sharing
