Thursday, July 4, 2013

Maddux's Batmobile

I realized the other day, while going through photos I never shared our DIY version of a bat mobile for our son.

We found this car at a garage sale over the summer ... for 5 bucks

We did let him play in it... the day we brought it home, knowing it would soon be forgotten.

My dad actually painted it for us, so that way Maddux never saw it..

Came Xmas morning, He had his very own bat mobile.

My little batman loves riding around in his own mini bat mobile :)

Happy 4th of July Everyone! Hope you enjoy the day with your families!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! You guys are awesome. And $5 bucks? Can't beat that! It was neat how it was, but the Batman version? Totally amazing!! My little Mason would flip over this.
