Thursday, July 11, 2013

Patio - Finished!

Well mother nature was not our friend this week... and put our patio about a week behind.... actually about 2 weeks behind. Stupid rain. Seriously... this must be what it feels like to live in Seattle.

But once the weather cleared up... the guys did an amazing job.

Here is what we started with...(a bunch of before photos)

And here she is today...

Keelings Landscape did an awesome job. If you are in the local area.... make sure you check them out if you need any landscaping needs!

Now just waiting on that dirt to turn into grass... figure out what flowers to plant around the patio ... and decorate.

On a side note. first year of gardening and we have our first signs of tomatoes! So exciting!

Anyone else have any new outdoor projects? Any gardening tips to share with a first timer?

1 comment:

  1. I personally try to keep the flowers off to the sides or the back of the yard away from sitting areas so people can enjoy lounging without bees :) If you must plant something pretty and colorful near a sitting area, try it in a pot. That way if bugs are bothering you, it can easily be moved for the time being.
