Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Dear Maddux - Love Dad.

Dear Maddux,

A Summer to remember...
One of the greatest advantages I have with my job is that for the most part I have summers off. This gives a great opportunity to hang out with my best friend and this summer was no exception. Maddux, there were so many great moments that your mother and I got to share with you this summer but these are a few that I will never forget.

Your first year of T-ball...
This summer your mother and I signed you up for T-ball. In order to prepare you for this we signed you up for Basketball and indoor and outdoor Soccer. There you had a chance to get your first experience with some sort of physical education and coaching. Coach Alec stood out as your overall favorite and as luck/ a request form would it you were placed on his T-ball team which was ....The CUBS....Fate...
I remember your mother and I set out one evening to get you a bat and a bag for the games, however when I got to Dick's Sporting Goods those plans got thrown out the window. I was determined to make you look as if you were a major leaguer...When we got in we saw little baseball pants which were just too cute to pass up but led to blue baseball socks, which led to blue Under Armor cleats and of course a Cubs hat.
Outside of practices you and I would practice and as the season went on you became and great little ball player. As we worked we came up with verbal cues for the physical skills like throwing and it was so funny to hear you say "arm, foot, throw" for every throw or "1,2,3" before every swing....
I had so much fun watching you enjoy the game I grew up loving as a child...

Summer Vacation (St. Louis)
Your mother and I took you down to St. Louis to visit a couple of our friends from school who happen to have a daughter around your age. The whole weekend you guys played, fought about toys, and played some more. We went to the zoo one of the days we were down there and you always have fun at the zoo but this time we tried something new. You and Lily got your faces painted. Now this was something you asked for and I never thought in a million years that you would be able to stand still long enough to get it done. But you did and you were so proud and when you saw yourself in the mirror you got this little cheese ball grin and for the rest of the day you were no longer Maddux you were Batman.
On this trip we also got a chance to go to the City Museum. This place was amazing and I never knew it existed. You traveled throughout the Museum through tunnels and caves went up ladders and down slides but the most memorable thing you did was up on the roof. On the roof they had a couple of huge slides, slides that you would of thought would have been too big for you. But you are a dare devil you would climb these giant slides and whip down them just to go and run up to get right back in line you were a child without fear. We also took a ride on the fairs wheel located on the roof of the building mind you overlooking the city. Your mother and I are not fans of that particular ride and I hate heights all together but you again have no fear...The only thing that calmed me down during that ride was how at ease you were the whole time screaming out "I'm Superman!!! I'm Superman!!!)

For Easter this year the bunny got you a trampoline. You loved going on it whenever you could which meant that I had to go on it too…You would make me chase you around pretending to be every comic book hero and villain there is, sometimes we were friends teaming up to stop Dr. Doom and other times mortal enemies(I was always the bad guy) wrestling and playing guns or lightsabers and of course the good guy always won.

While your mother was surfing the Internet one day she came across an amazing toy. It was a Batmobile ride on that came complete with head lights, flashing lights, multiple audio sounds including the Batman theme song, and the coolest thing of all a remote control. Even though your birthday was ways away the deal was too good to pass up and ironically on my birthday it arrived in the mail. We put it together that night and immediately you put on your cape and cowl and began to patrol the streets .

Swimming Class…
We enrolled you in swimming classes that ended right around the time baseball did. This was your first time in a sport without coach Alec and some days were better than others. You did however have Ian, a new friend that you met during T-ball. My favorite part of swimming class was when you got to go down the slide. You again had no fear you climbed right up the stairs and while some kids you age would need a little push to get going you just whipped right down. We did get a chance however to see a little fear when you went off the diving board for that one an instructor did have to help you out, but hey you went off more diving boards that I have in the last decade.

My son the nudist...
This summer you also started going through a phase where you believe that clothes are optional. It seems that every time I turn around you go from being fully clothed to pants less to naked. It happens so often that your mother and I just laugh about it to ourselves. We had your cousins come over and spend the night one weekend and before they came over we sat down and talked to you about wearing clothes around the girls. When they were over the clothes stayed on up to about 10 secs after Aunt Holly pick them up, then off came the pants. They stay on in during daycare, if we are at someone’s house, and all public settings. It’s just something you like to do around the house. It’s like you come home and you’re like “finally I just want to relax and take my pants off”.

This summer has been amazing, Filled with memories that I will cherish the rest of my life and I’m looking forward to many many more adventures with my best buddy.


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