Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Finished Staircase

And the staircase is finished!

After months of priming, painting, caulking, staining, sanding, painting some more, sealing... etc.
Hours upon hours...

This thing is finished.

here is the staircase before...

And here she is today.

She sure is pretty! All of the hard work was worth it. It really was! However, I would never do it again. I don't care how much it would cost... I would pay someone.
Do you see all those spindles? OMG. this project was terrible.
If you are thinking about doing it. I don't think it would be as bad if I just had the staircase coming down. That would have been fine. But the spindles all around the entire upstairs. That was just too much. I am so glad this project is done!

We had to take down the be awesome today sign to touch up some wall paint above the door, but that will be going back up soon.

So what is the most time consuming terrible project you have gone through? I think this might be mine... :) but at least the end was worth it!

Linked up at The Foley Fam


  1. Fawn, they look amazing!!! Wow!!

  2. You guys are amazing!! Congrats, because it looks BEAUTIFUL! Featuring you this weekend! Thanks for linkin up to Sunday FUNday! :) XOXOXO

  3. Gorgeous transformation. I can't even fathom all the work those spindles took! We'll be featuring this tomorrow over at Someday Crafts. Stop by if you have a moment :)

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by and for the feature! :)

  4. Looks fabulous! I just tore out the carpet on our stairs this summer and it's still waiting for it's makeover. ;) It's sportin a look of raw wood and patch marks, not so pretty. Hoping mine turns out as good as yours! Luckily, I don't have that many spindles or I may be rethinking. ;)

    1. I would love to see it once its done! Feel free to share the link! The spindles are terrible! Some are lucky and those are already white... I wish I wouldve been that lucky! :)

  5. SO beautiful! Having done a staircase makeover in my time (thought not quite as big!), I know how much work this is! Great job.

    1. Thank you! Yes it was a lot of work. I dont think I ever want to tackle another one! :)

  6. Absolutely beautiful:-) You guys did a fantastic job.. you've probably added thousands to the value of your place!

  7. Totally worth it...it looks great! We have a very similar staircase in our new house and I would love to do something like this someday...pinning for future inspiration! :-)

    1. Good luck. It was worth it... but just a warning this project took me much longer than I had planned :) Would love to see yours once its done! thanks for stopping by :)

  8. It IS so beautiful! You give me hope that someday I'll get motivated and start pulling out endless staples from the carpet padding on my now naked but far from finished staircase. Sigh. My stairs aren't anywhere as impressive (or as many) as yours, so thanks for the inspiration. Visting from The Shabby Nest Frugal Friday.
