Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Playroom Inspiration

We have been going back and forth on Maddux's birthday gift this year. His birthday falls a couple weeks before Christmas so he gets an insane amount of toys within a 14 day span.
So after talking it over we came up with redoing his playroom for him... and making it an awesome fun space he will love.

We are planning on starting this project in November... so right now just collecting ideas on what we might want to do.

We have a window in the middle of the wall like this below. and we are thinking about building in a seating area. something deep enough though to mimic a twin bed. so that way we can throw a mattress up there for if we ever need an extra bed.

However rather than going with white (I still might go with white) But I have been toying around with the idea of doing colored furniture with white walls. Something like this... maybe?

 And then adding a loft area inside the closet with some shelves to store some toys/books/and what not.

I always like to incorporate photos as much as I can... here are a few looks I am loving

And I love the idea of a media center with so much storage. 

So those are a few ideas we are kicking around. we want to create a unique space he will love to play in. but also somewhere we can hang out with him. 

I am definitely wanting to do the closet loft. how cute is that?

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