Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Dining Progress.. Update 3

So we have been working on the dining room for the past few weeks slowly but surely.

We got our baseboards up.. they still need a bit more wood fill in some spots and couple more coats of paint and then those can be checked off.

We started building a dining table and decided to go with these plans from Ana-White.

We were going back and forth on a couple of plans on her site and decided this would work best. We want a large table we can host dinners at so this one was picked based off the size of the plans.

So we got started....

Got the wood.

Got it home.. and cut. and cut and cut.

and then we started assembling. And we have left off about here.

This thing is huge and will easily fit 10 people so that will be nice.

Its amazing what a little stain will do to this. I cannot wait!

And from there I have been painting the window. Painting windows is the worst

So there you have it a whole lot of work but nothing checked off the list yet.

This weekend I am hoping to have the baseboards finished. The table put together stained and sealed. The chandelier raised to an appropriate height. Oh and get those outlets covered. I need to finish those up also!

Any rooms you are working on?

I am already itching to do a few other projects... but I am trying to only allow myself to do one area at a time. The library and the stairs at once almost killed me. So trying to pace myself. :)

Does anyone else struggle with this?

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