Thursday, October 3, 2013

Taking Stock

Inspired by Meet me at mikes

Making : A new dining room table
Cooking : Vegetarian chili in the crock pot
Drinking : pumpkin spiced coffee
Reading: A few blogs I check daily
Wanting: 8 hours of sleep, uninterrupted
Looking: for Star Wars birthday party ideas
Playing: army men and super heroes
Wasting: time on Pinterest
Sewing: nothing, I don't sew
Wishing: for the perfect fall boots
Enjoying: fall approaching
Waiting: for the weekend
Liking: pumpkin flavored anything
Wondering: how long it will be before I notice a different, with the new workout routine
Loving: turning on the fireplace on chilly nights
Hoping: to get our dining room finished in time for Thanksgiving
Marvelling: at Maddux's imagination. I could listen to him play all day
Needing: a long vacation
Smelling: Autumn Leaves candle
Wearing: VS Pink sweatpants. Still love them.
Following: a workout routine
Noticing: Maddux is losing his toddler belly and chubby cheeks... when did he get so big? Man, he is growing up fast.
Knowing: everything happens for a reason... even if its not what I had planned.
Thinking: about everything I need to do this weekend
Focusing: on the person i want to be... for myself and for Maddux
Bookmarking: Fall crafts to do with my kiddo
Opening: a pumpkin spiced Hershey kiss (told you obsessed with all things pumpkin)
Giggling: about Maddux's new dance moves
Feeling: blessed

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