Monday, January 20, 2014

French Doors. Finally.

So a long time ago... like back in June maybe? I mentioned we replaced our sliding door with a french door and failed to ever show it. Well that's because it took me this long to frame this sucker out with some new trim.
But finally I stopped messing around and got it done!

Here is the before... Very ORANGE

And here it is now. 

Not a huge update... but I prefer the french door over a sliding door any day. 
I like the character french doors bring into a space. I am hoping to redo that pantry door sometime in the next month or so. I have a few ideas spinning around in my head. But I am not liking the tan chalkboard paint. Sometimes... things just sound better in our head.

And we are missing 2 chairs if you notice from the first photo to the 2nd. Well... my son has now decided that those chairs belong at our sofa table. Which he believes was built to house all of his toys. So I was just lazy and didn't move them back to take this photo. I pick my battles. That is not one of them I participate in. :)

Rolling right along finally finishing up things I have been putting off. Hopefully this pattern continues. I have a few things around the house I have been putting off.

Do projects get away from you? Do you get bored ... quit... and start again months later? What project are you trying to finish before Spring gets here?

1 comment:

  1. Love your french doors!
    I always start projects around the house and never finish them because I always think of new projects to do around the house. Eventually I'll get stuff done, but takes a while. Plus I'm always being creative at work that I don't have the energy to get my own projects done. It's always a struggle.
