Monday, June 16, 2014

Outdoor Table

So we built this table originally for our kitchen.... our little breakfast area. And it just made the space too crowded. So we decided to move it outside.

We just used some Thompson Water Seal and rolled it outside... it actually fit this area perfectly. And makes a great serving table for cookouts now.

I thought I would show you a step by step of where we start and where we go with this little corner and how it progresses.

So first step was a table...

So this corner sits right outside the basement patio doors.

We have wheels on the bottom so its easy to roll inside and out... depending on if we may need an extra serving table in the basement ever.

And here you can see there is a lot of room above it.... so the next step... fill in this area ... I have a few ideas... but I haven't landed on one yet. Hoping to have an update in the next few days.

Oh and notice all the dirt on our patio. 
Yep.... this is the problem.... the grass never grew back in after putting in the patio... so seeding it this week.  The annoying part... we are hoping to expand the patio out in a year or two over this grass area... so we will probably get good grass just in time to remove it all. yay.

So adding to our list of seeding the grass. Pouring some new sand into our patio... 

So there you go. a very much before photo of an outside nook.  :) 
And with a few ideas here and there... You will see how easy it is to make over a space. 

This summer we are really planning on tackling some outdoor projects our own. 
Then hoping next year to jump back on how we did it last year and sit back and do nothing and pay some people to do a few for us... so this year... will be a lot of work

I find the outdoors challenging. Planting flowers is the worst. I don't know how people do it. I plant something... hate it... dig it up... over and over again. Its terrible. Hoping I get it right this year... 

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