Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Great Grandparent's Dresser

I grabbed a dresser that used to be my great grandparents.
Some people believe in keeping it in original condition, as it was.
But for me... I love taking furniture and giving it new life.

So I painted it... and stained it... so it could be used in Maddux's room.

I went back and forth with building a media stand for his tv, but I thought at this age... the drawers adds more storage for all those toys. When we hit the years of less toys... I can probably figure something new out... but for right now, and this project being 100% free. Its perfect.

So we have the refinished dresser.
Moved the awesome Star Wars print we found on Ebay a while back.
Then I took an old ugly canvas and painted that... and hand wrote... Be Brave.
Added in some photos my mom had done of Maddux and Nala
And now we have another little area of his room updated.
I need to find a few more things for this wall, but I'm not too sure yet what I will add. I think I might paint that vent so it blends in with the wall rather than standing out..

And i need to figure out what we will do with that corner to the right...

Not too bad for it costing us nothing and just using what we had laying around.

(before I had his tv just sitting on an old sofa table) so this is a HUGE improvement!

We still have a lot to do in this room.
Build a bed
Add some wall storage crates to display toys and trophies and what not.
wall decor.
Touch up a few areas of paint that need it.
put a new light fixture in
add moulding to the door
paint his closet door
add built ins for the walk in closet
build a night stand

We are thinking about dividing this room into a sleep/tv area and a play area. Im not sure yet. I still need to mark it all out and make a final decision. we are just taking it one small step at a time :)

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