Friday, January 2, 2015

Thank you 2014. Hello 2015.

2014 was filled with so many wonderful memories:

Countless nights playing boardgames
Playing the role of taxi driver for basketball, hockey, t-ball, karate, gymnastics, and swimming lessons.
Blew Bubbles.
Spent a week at Disney World with my boys.
Witnessed my son flirt with princesses. Shamelessly flirt with the princesses.
Painted Easter Eggs.
All or our DIY work was featured on a home tour.
Received a hand wrote bill from a bar
Became a Chicago Cubs Season ticket holder.
Spent the summer watching t-ball, chasing the ice cream truck, lemonade stands, watching fireworks, learning to ride bikes, and days at the zoo.
Joined the work golf league - without knowing how to play golf.
Roasted Marshmallows.
Days spent at apple orchards and pumpkin patches.
Visited a few friends I haven't seen in years...
Spent the day at the horse races.
Witnessed countless sweet exchanges between Maddux and Nala. A bond between a boy and his dog.
Found out we are expecting our second child.
Afters hours upon hours of debate finally agreed on a name.
Spent the holidays surrounded by family and friends.
Sang countless Christmas songs.
Watched Christmas movies outside while drinking hot chocolate.
Went to our first Chicago Bears game.
Watched my Baby Boy turn 5!!!!!
Wrote letters to Santa.
And throughout the whole year... I had a little superhero by my side.

I am excited for all the new adventures and memories to be made in 2015!
I am always big on New Year goals. I love setting goals for myself and I use New Years to start challenging myself on areas I can improve on. I believe in using the New Year as a time of reflection. A reflection of all the good times over the past year... and a reflection of areas we wish to improve on. If we do not challenge ourselves, we cannot improve ourselves.

2015 goals
1. Finally finish our basement remodel. Completely. We are about 50% there right now. and I am hoping we can get this done by March.
2. Limit my social media time.
3. Be Kind. Learn to actually follow the rule of if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all. No matter what.
4. Make my bed everyday. (this one is going to be hard)
5. Start recycling
6. Monthly dates (even dates at home)
7. Cook a new meal we havent tried once a month.
8. Learn to not be so hard on myself. Accept and own my mistakes.
9. Read one book a month.
10. Make new family traditions (we have a few new ones in mind... to start this year)

"May your coming year be filled with magic & dreams and good madness.  I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to makes some art - write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself".  - Neil Gaiman

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