Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Hudson's Nursery Part Two - The beginning of a gallery wall

Last week I left off with the reading corner we put together. As of right now, Maddux wants to be involved with everything to do with this baby. He will tell me he will feed him, read to him, sing to him, etc. So I thought this corner with the glider... would be a good little reading nook for us to do that. Maddux picked out all his favorite books to put in his brother's room, to share... and I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see him so excited for his "new best buddy" (his words)

So the wall space above the bookshelves were looking a little bare.
So we decided to put in a gallery wall. After a trip to Michael's I decided to go with the Lexington frames they have there.
1. Because they were 50% off and
 2. We haven't done a gallery wall with black modern frames yet. So I liked the idea of something new.

A lot of people I talk to are nervous about gallery walls. I love them, I think they are easy and make a huge statement. But I love surrounding myself with things that make me happy... and right now filling these frames with photos of my favorite memories and inspirational quotes.... nothing sounds better than that. I don't put a lot of planning into these. I wish I could tell you I sit down with a plan. I look at the space... and run to the store... I try and concentrate on large frames because, when scrolling pinterest at all hours of the night. The one thing the gallery walls I pin have in common are large frames.
Then I start with my largest frame and just work out from there. One frame at a time.

This past weekend Jerry started putting them up while I would say... "no... a little higher.... no... I don't like that... take that down" for about 3 hours :) He's a good guy :)
We  I finally settled on a layout of frames mixed in with a few animal heads. .

The frames are still bare. I need to fill a few of them, but a few I will leave empty because Hudson's baby photos will fill in quite a few of these eventually.
I'm still searching Etsy for some cute personalized prints also.

But here is the reading corner... all filled in with frames.

I might fill in a few more above the chair and bring them down lower. We aren't sure if we want these frames in reach of tiny children though.

I think my favorite part is the animal heads. I think I could fill a whole wall with them if I had enough!

Thanks for stopping by, Cant wait to share the other side of the room!
Getting exciting, Hudson will be here in just 2 short months!

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