Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Basement Update _ Wine Bar

I am finally back with a basement update!
After the holidays... and nursery planning... and pure laziness that comes along with being pregnant.. And this week we took a break from the nursery. We have one more area to complete... and I am still undecided so while I figure it out... We are back at it on the basement.

We left with the to list of... 

1. put the doors on the Ikea cabinets and buy hardware
2. paint the shelf that will hold the glassware
3. paint all the wood framing out the cabinets and wine storage
4. add a wood shelf to the bottom of each window
5. finish the rock wall
6. add another coat to the walls.
7. paint the window panes
8. put up trim and doors in the basement
9. add wine glass storage in the open shelves

The last update I gave you on the basement the wine bar was looking like this...

It was coming together... but still pretty much a GIANT mess :)

And now our updated list

1. put the doors on the Ikea cabinets and buy hardware
2. paint the shelf that will hold the glassware
3. paint all the wood framing out the cabinets and wine storage
4. add a wood shelf to the bottom of each window
5. finish the rock wall
6. add another coat to the walls.
7. paint the window panes
8. put up trim and doors in the basement
9. add wine glass storage in the open shelves

So after completing 95% of the original to do list... I am excited to show you the "almost" finished project which was heavily inspired by Jenna Sue

And just a quick reminder where we originally started at...

Which led to...

And now...

I love this little area. It is a great area to set up for when we have people over... or movie nights in the basement. The rock tile we added is by far my favorite focal point in the entire basement and I love how it turned out. 
We still have some small finishing touches to add to this space... but for now... we are calling this project done and moving onto the other rooms we have down here.
(Don't mind the dirty windows... once the snow melts... Ill get out there and clean them off)
We still need to style those shelves and add in a few things here and there which I am sure once the basement moves along we will get those things finished too... Right now the few glasses I had in a cabinet came out and just kind of... set there. randomly.
We also need to purchase some blinds... watching movies down here during the day is quite impossible. We need to be able to block out the light! 

We are currently trying to finish up the movie room and play room. 
At first we weren't going to include a playroom down here... but after a few nights of watching movies... we quickly realized that with soon to be two kids... this was unrealistic. We needed an area for them to play. 

We have two decent sized areas that need quite a bit of work... I plan on sharing some photos of where we are with them.. and our plans going forward. I am sure as our lives change and the boys get bigger this area will grow with us as a family.. but for right now... I realize an art station, lego station, and superhero station are necessities :) 

We are going on 2 years of working on the basement off and on. I am happy to say we are closing in on some decent progress for once. 
Do you have any projects you have put off? 
Do you get bored and move onto the next like we do? 
Starting a project and finishing it ... is one of the hardest things to do. Getting it like 90% there... and losing interest seems to be my trend. and going back months later and finally finishing up... :) 

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