Sunday, October 24, 2010

Playroom Wall Art

So a few weeks ago I got a silhouette but I have been so busy I haven't had a chance to really play with it yet.... but tonight I finally got to start and mess with a project using it :)

Well anyways ...

For Christmas this year we decided we are going to put together a playroom for Maddux. We are going to give him a few presents to unwrap. But I think for him walking into a room full of toys will be way more awesome than unwrapping. So We have been brainstorming some ideas off of one another to figure out what we are doing. We have decided on bright fun colors... we are going to give a hand at painting some stripes on the walls... building our own book shelves and I have been looking online for some inspiration for wall art for his playroom.

Well tonight I decided to give one project I had in mind a try. I have seen people make these button trees for a while now and I am just in love with these... and i wish i could find where the one i saw that added GROW onto hers... which i LOVED. but I am pretty sure she linked up to a party somewhere... and I cant seem to find her again :(
So i decided I would make my own.

Which meant I got to play with my silhouette... So i cut out a bare tree from the silhouette some birds... a boy swinging and the word grow.

and ended up with this...

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