Thursday, October 21, 2010

Embrace The Camera/ Sick lil Man

Last night Maddux woke up in the middle of the night screaming.... not once... twice... but five times.  Poor baby had such a hard time falling back to sleep and then when he finally did it was for at the most an hour. I knew something had to be wrong, since I started a new job I couldn't take off of work to be with him. Luckily I have an amazing husband and he took off from school (hes a teacher) early to take our baby to the doctor. And sure enough lil man has an ear infection. Hes a little over ten months old and this is our first experience with ear infections. I can tell you I am not at all a fan. Not at all!

So today when I got home from work... this is how we spent our night together... cuddled up doing everything I can do to make my monkey butt feel better.

Poor baby.....
briefly feeling better....

back to wanting to cuddle

walking the floors....

and back to cuddling....

Everyone send some love to my lil man to start feeling better quick.  This is the worst part of being a mommy.... him hurting and nothing I can do to fix it.  Tonight was more of him embracing the camera for me... but here's an honest post... both of us exhausted .... and feeling terrible.


  1. Poor baby! Sick babies are the cuddliest though.

  2. Hoping your baby is better soon. So sad when they are sick.

  3. Bummer about the ear infection, but thank goodness the antibiotics usually kick in pretty quick ~ although, snuggle time is a little bit delicious!

  4. I hope he feels better quickly. Cherish those cuddles though!

  5. Awww, poor little man!!! I hope he feels better soon. I know when baby hurts momma hurts.

  6. feel better buddy!! enjoy the cuddle time!

  7. ear infections are no fun! Hope he feels better soon! Sweet photos! :)

  8. Poor thing. I hope he gets better soon!

  9. Poor little guy..we just experienced our first cold too. And thanks for the glasses love!

  10. that is the worst when they are sick! you just want to take it away. cuddle up and enjoy...

  11. awww...that is no fun at all. These pics are really sweet, though.

  12. garlic and olive oil in the ears helps to soothe (and heal) ear infections. that's what we use! i hope he feels better soon--it's the worst feeling, knowing your kiddo is sick.

    thanks for joining us this week, though :)

  13. my boys only let me cuddle them when they are sick! i hope your sweet little guy feels better soon.

  14. Sorry he doesn't feel well but these photos are still sweet.

  15. it's so difficult when they can't tell you what's wrong with them...

    am sure there's nothing like mommy's loving cuddles to comfort him.

    hope he gets well soon!

  16. So sweet. I love me some snuggle time.

  17. enjoy those cuddles, even on sick days!

  18. Aw poor pets - both of you. Hope he's feeling better soon.

  19. What an incredibly beautiful moment to have captured, you generally don't think of this as a photo opp. but it truly is lovely for all to see a devoted mama nurturing her sweet baby back to health. Gave me the warm fuzzies (: hope he feels better soon.
