Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wicker Furniture

So we had a breakthrough moment this weekend. Maddux is standing :) It is awesome!!! He has been letting go for a while and standing a little bit. but now... its a real little person that just stands up in the middle of the living room and applauds himself for being so big. Its adorable... He will just stand there and clap like "look at me mom!!!!"
I cant believe he is already getting so big.... Time goes by so fast.

Speaking of which. I plan on next year spending a lot more time outside. he will be big enough to run around and such and play on his little tiny tot swing set and such. So I decided I should start thinking about our outdoor patio.

well I saw on
That she took wicker furniture painted it a fun color and added accents and it was absolutely adorable. So i was on a hunt for some wicker furniture to try her idea :)  So i finally found some. well i didnt but a woman i knew found it and sent me the link on CraigsList. Thanks Patti!!!! :)
So I know its the end of the season... and its not finished yet but its adorable so I thought I would share. Before looking at it though I plan on getting some little side tables and painting them bright orange to tie them all together and some other decorative accents and of course some flowers next spring. but here are the photos now. I plan on adding hopefully some outdoor lanterns and such :)

Heres the before photo without the loveseat because i didnt feel like dragging it out of the garage to take the photo. and Yes i took this at night but I was getting ready to paint it when I realized I should take a 'Before" photo!

 And here is after I painted and put new cushion covers on :)

I like the teal and orange :) Cant wait to put it all out next spring!!!!!!!!!
But now its going in storage for winter!!!!!!

Liz Marie Blog



  1. those painted wicker chairs look gorgeous.. Well done!! Thanks for linking in to my blog.. :-) You've truly made my day!!

  2. Wow, those look GREAT! I love the color combo! You take really nice pictures by the way.

  3. The color is just beautiful. Amazing what a little paint can do.

  4. The orange/ blue color combination is very striking! I like it! Great job.

    -Rochelle @

  5. Lovin the blue and orange look! Thanks for coming to my PAR-TAY!!!!


  6. Love the color choices--so bright and cheery! Great job. I'm having a fun giveaway on my blog right now--hope you can join!

  7. LOVE the colors! Great job! We appreciate you stopping by and joining us for Anything Related!

  8. HI there! I'm your newest follower!! I found you on the Tuesday Linky!!! I love finding new blogs and yours is lovely:) You can find me at

    I LOVE the colors:)

  9. Love the painted wicker..the blue/orange combo is GORGEOUS!
    So fresh and bright!

  10. Beautiful job! I love the new colors. Thinking my white weathered wicker needs a makeover! ;) Thanks so much for sharing your gorgeous transformation in the DIY Project Parade!


  11. What a transformation! Your wicker looks great!

  12. I LOVE wicker re-dos and your is just gorgeous. Excellent color choice! Please come link up on Tuesdays at my brand new linky party, Tuesday Morning Buzz!

  13. That came out gorgeous! I love the color you chose and how well the orange goes with it! Beautiful!

  14. so fun!!! i love the color combo that you choose!

  15. LOVE the colors! It looks like a brand new set! Thanks so much for sharing on my Thrilling Thursday linky party @ Paisley Passions. Hope to see you again soon :)

  16. Thanks for linking up! I shared this link on my Facebook page!

  17. Love the color you chose! So bright and summery feeling!!

  18. love that color with the orange cushions- it is perfect and summery!

  19. Blue color is looking so interesting and so different. Click here for more innovative wicker furniture

  20. Wow! amazing,looks good and colorful has daunting when I sight it at first.I also desire to own this.Thanks for sharing this post regarding wicker furniture .

  21. I want to thank you for sharing this post. It is not easy to find such perfectly written information on the wicker furniture.

  22. I love this light blue wicker furniture. I think that light blue is such a calming color for me. It would make for a nice reminder for me to chill out when I am sitting down.
    Cynthia |

  23. I really like the look of wicker furniture. It seems like it is perfect for any outdoor porch. I really like the idea of having it on porch.

  24. I have never thought to paint over wicker furniture. The pieces that have been refinished and painted, look amazing! You truly have vision!

    Sara Welsh |

  25. The content was really very interesting. I am really thankful to you for providing this unique information about outdoor wicker furniture Sydney. Please keep sharing more and more information......
