Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Laundry Basket Dresser

You know my love of Ana White... well I have now passed that along to my Mom and Rod.
So they made me the awesome laundry basket hamper!!!

I am embarrassed to say that usually we took our basket of laundry... and sometimes it neatly stayed down in the basket and by sometimes i mean... maybe .2% of the time. most of the time. the basket was on the floor it would get kicked over... knocked over... well point being clothes all over the floor. gross.

sooo now I have this adorable hamper in the laundry room so once our basket is full upstairs... we can bring them down throw them in this basket dresser.... wash it... fold it... put it back and bring it up and put it away.

And isn't it adorable?

I L-O-V-E it :)

Currently these photos are taken in the garage.... Right now making room for it in the laundry room... Can't wait!!!!!

168. Homemade Gifts (especially ones that help me organize!!!)
169. Electricity (after going 24 hours without it.... my goodness I am ever so thankful)
170. Family walks after work
171. Running outside on cool days
172. the color turquoise.... l.o.v.e.


  1. this is completely fabulous! I'm gonna show it to my hubby. I want one ;)

  2. I know this is an old post, but I'm curious if you have a cut list for this build? I want to make the same basket-dresser you did (with the square 18-3/4" baskets), but I'm not great at figuring out the modified measurements from the Ana White plans. Thanks!
