Sunday, May 22, 2011

Toy Story Party Progress

So I have a thousand ++++ things I am working on (like usual) But instead of finishing anything off of my to do list... instead I decided to work on Toy Story Party randomness.

I started thinking today that in less than 2 weeks my son will be 18 months old... and that alone freaked me out. Then I got started thinking about how much last year I had done for his party by this time... and Eeeek. This time... I have 1/3rd of that done.

So tonight I took a few hours after he went to bed... and created a few favors... and got some stand ups that I plan on using as decoration somewhere.....
I also finished up the centerpieces but don't have any photos of those to share.
But point being I feel better. and back on top of my party planning game... so I can take a few weeks off... just to freak out all over again. Luckily since I did so much for the first one... I have a better understanding of how much time I need for what this go around.... so I am slightly less crazy... not by much. But a tad.

Well here they are....

I made some favor boxes... and filled them with army men. (Found the army men in the dollar bins at Target... Awesome!)

Bought a few favors at party city while there....

We found a book at the store the other day that had these cardboard punch outs... which will work somewhere... so exciting. especially since this book was marked down to under 5 bucks clearance :)
And this book still has stickers... room back grounds... Andy's door signs... so many things we can use.

So I made a little bit of progress tonight... His birthday falls in the middle of all the holiday chaos... which is stressful enough on its own. So I like to have this all done and finalized by the week of Halloween.... that's always the goal.


  1. love the army men idea! we did a toy story birthday for my daughter last year. i bought the cricut cartridge and it was awesome! made all of our decor that way!

  2. very cute, saw a preview of the invitations...............sooo cute

  3. So... now you've made me want to have a Toy Story party!!! Love the army men! :)
