Friday, May 6, 2011

Mothers Day Gift

My Mom and Rod (my step dad) LOVE working in their yard. They will spend all spring getting it ready... and really the work never ends... They are constantly planting flowers.... buying new patio furniture..... building bigger decks... really its always something.

They love spending time outside.... so I decided I would try to make something to play into that.

So I got all of their grandchildren together and came up with Yard Stones they can put in their flower garden... or wherever they want to put them. I had each set of grand kids from all of us kids get together... and it worked out Perfectly "We" "Love" "You"

If you are curious...
I went to Home Depot picked up some 12 x 12 stepping stones
Modge podged some scrapbook paper onto it.
Took a 10x10 photo modge podged that on.
Then once dried. I added a coat of outdoor modgepodge.
Repeated for about 3-4 layers to make sure it was completely covered.

(I gave these to my mom today - since she will not be here on Mother's Day... so me posting this doesn't ruin the suprise!! )

Thanks for taking the time to stop by!

Linked up at Tatertots & Jello Weekend Wrap Up :)

143. Outdoor Modge Podge
144. Coming up with a gift that makes them happy
145. Getting all the kids together for photos
146. home made macoroni and cheese
147. my sons imagination growing leaps and bounds every single day :) 


  1. This is a GREAT idea! Lots of layers of mp I see. I hope it holds up!

  2. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, this gift...

    I should say it again...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it............really LOVE it
