Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers Day! Mom Tribute...

I am still new to being mom.... Its all new to me. And I know that none of us have the answers... and its pretty much just going with your gut and praying/crossing your fingers/wishing on stars that you are doing the right things... teaching the right things... saying the right things.
When really in this business there is no "right" way. And I know that... but still you second guess yourself... every step of the way... and I am only a little over a year into this... and I can see these internal struggles just getting harder and harder.

And as a mom... it makes you really start thinking about your parents...
Isn't that funny... now that I am a mom. I understand some of the things my mom use to say...
It all just ... makes more sense.
And if you dont have kids... you dont completely get it.
But once you become a parent... its clear. Its crystal clear from day one.
This person becomes the most important person in your world... more important than yourself.
This child becomes your reason for... breathing.

Today I wanted to take a moment and share my favorite things about my mom.

She puts everyones feelings before hers.
She is the person I turn to for advice... or someone to cheer me up after a bad day
She knows how to make each grandchild feel like they are the favorite (while they are all in the same room) thats pure magic :)
She has taught me strength... I have seen her world fall apart and watched her pick up the pieces and make life better. That is true strength.
She has taught me to not judge a book by the cover...  you might miss out on some pretty amazing relationships.
She has taught me that I am never too old to play. There is no age limit on Hide N Seek.
She is brave. And has never shown me an "I can't" attitude
She has taught me... you never say no to chocolate. Its rude. :)
She has taught me slow down... and to enjoy the little moments. Some of the best memories come from the days where you are doing nothing.
She always has been... and always will be the most beautiful woman I know.

Thank you mom for everything you do for me.
You are everything I want to be when I grow up.
You are my mentor, my inspiration, my support system... my best friend.
The best compliment I can ever recieve is

"You remind me of your mother"

So today mom... I just want to say thanks... thanks for all that you do for our family.
Love you!!!

148. A mothers love
149. Understanding that love once you have your own child.
150. Old photographs
151. Thinking as a little girl that your mother was the prettiest girl in the world
152 ... and still thinking that as an adult.

1 comment:

  1. I am truely touched. Maddux is very lucky as well because you are a great mother.

    love you
