Monday, June 27, 2011

Checkerboard Table WIP

This week is a pretty busy week for us, so I am not sure how much I will be getting done. So I thought I would share what I have been working on. Now the chairs are not done yet... I haven't decided what exactly I am doing with them... and I have a few other things I plan on adding to this space. We have this window in our Family room... and its been sort of a dead spot in the room. Jerry and I like to play card games... (yep.. just the two of us) .. we like to play scrabble.. and yes checkers. So I thought this would be a great spot for us to add a little table and chairs. I came across this beat up table at the Goodwill and picked it up for 6 bucks.. stained it (not an amazing job) so then I painted over and distressed. I had painted the checkerboard using painters tape to create the squares... sanded them down to fade it... added stain over the top of the table.. and I like the way it turned out. I have some wooden disks I bought for memory games for Maddux's party... of course they were a lot smaller than what I was imagining.... so this table is also a good use for those.
So even though this table as the checkerboard pattern painted on... I think this will be a great small area for me and Jer to set up a game of scrabble every once in a while...
Final touches coming soon... Cant wait for this room to turn out how I am imagining...

Here's a quick preview....

To be continued....

211. Scrabble
212. Cherry Coke
213. Cropped Jeans
214. 1st summer tans of the year


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea and yours looks great!!

    We are hosting a link party called “Help a Momma Out” on our blog today! This would be an awesome link up! Please feel free to add it! Or any others you think will "help a momma out" We appreciate it! Have a great day!


  2. this is AWESOME!! my mom and little brother did this once when i was young, and we still have the table and use it all the time! :) such a great project.

  3. THANK YOU Fawn for linking up! I appreciate it :)

  4. wow, that came out so cute! love the apron and legs on it, too- they give it a little edge i think. so pretty!

  5. Turned out super cute! I made one out of one of our old end tables this spring and it has been a huge hit around here. I cut my pieces out of a scrap board I had lying around. I wanted them to be big since my squares ended up being a little over 2.5" in size. It actually worked out well because they are nice and chunky and even my smallest nephew can handle them easily. Using a band saw to cut them out made it a breeze. Love your table, and like so many of your other projects, it turned out beautifully.

  6. This is exactly what I need to make for my kids they would LOVE it! Thanks for the inspiration,Im your newest follower:) deidre~
