Thursday, June 23, 2011

Embrace The Camera!

This past weekend we went to the picnic my work put on.
They went with a wild west theme... they had cowboys on stilts, slides, pony rides, bounce houses, bingo, cowboys singing, rock climbing walls, and food. Lots of food.
Maddux was too busy to really want to eat... he loves just walking around.
But here we are enjoying his first corn on the cob!

And this is what we spent most of our day doing... Maddux just taking a stroll around.. and us following behind :)

You turn to get out your camera and get in a photo with your kids.
Link up at Emilys place!

206. Maddux putting on his cowboy hat and yelling "Yee-Haw!"
207. Fresh Highlights
208. Friends Dvds... never get old
209. lemon pie
210. Summer family get togethers


  1. Oh he is so CUTE! He looks like he is just loving that corn! I want some... it looks good, haha. Great photos!!

  2. He is too cute!! Great picture!!

  3. so cute! My son LOVES corn on the cob!!

  4. Gotta love some corn on the cob! That made me hungry! Cute pics. :)

  5. oh my gosh that is too funny...did pieces get stuck in his teeth? Ever since I had braces growing up, I continue to cut the corn off the cob. Looks like a blast!

  6. Looks like a fun day! Your son is adorable! =)

  7. He is so cute. I love the pictures!! Nothing like a cute little boy.

  8. Great picture!!! looks like my kind of fun! I'm new to this whole Embrace your Camera Link UP. I'm loving it soo far!

  9. Yay for corn on the cob! Cute picture!!!

  10. LOVE the chomping on corn picture!! He looks so grown up!
