Thursday, May 16, 2013

How Pinteresting....

This week I am finishing up a few orders and what not for other people. Then planning on taking some time and concentrating on a few projects I want finished up around the house.

So I thought I would share with you some pinterest inspiration photos I have for sometime coming up. Maybe soon... maybe months from now. But here they are and why

I hope to replace the tile around our fireplace. hopefully sometime this coming fall.... I love how much it changes the look of the entire room

Window boxes. A must. Hopefully within the next few weeks...
I love all the character and charm they add to a house

I have been considering a vertical garden on tiny front porch. We need something up there... and I think this might be exactly what it is needing. Bringing in a lot of color to the front of our house

Speaking of front porch. I am loving these planters. Considering these for around the garage rather than the front porch this year.
Source: via Melissa on Pinterest

I love that the side window trim is painted on here. I need to update the paint on the front of our home But I am not wanting to do it the off white it currently is. Still working on a color combo. But maybe a light grey would work. maybe.
Source: via Kathleen on Pinterest

We need updated light fixtures on our home. bad. this needs to happen sometime this summer.

I love this giant photo display. I would like to recreate this once i figure out where I would put it

Hoping to mimic this with a DIY version

Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

So there are a few things on Pinterest that have caught my eye lately.

Anything caught yours?

I am looking forward to spending the next few weeks accomplishing a few things around the house... what do you have planned?

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