Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Melody Ann Photography Giveaway

If you follow me on facebook or have read my blog you all know that I adore my friend Melody's photography. We use her for all of our photos and I am always impressed with the quality of photos she takes.

This past weekend she did a Mommy & Me shoot for Mothers day.
And once again.. I am in love with the sneak peak she has sent me back so far.

She does a fantastic job.
And I am so excited for this giveaway :)

A little bit about Melody.

**I've always loved pictures! Whether it was being in them, or being behind the camera. I've always loved the idea of capturing a REAL moment and being able to look back at that image years later, and still being able to feel what I felt at that exact moment!
For me, taking pictures is more than just a hobby, or even a part time job. Pictures help me re-live all of those special moments in life that take your breath away.  And not just the big moments like your wedding day or the birth of a child. But all of those special moments that come and go so quickly, you can miss them with a blink of an eye. Those little moments that God created just for you, just when you needed it.

As a mother, I'm constantly reminded of how quickly life goes by. I often hold my children and whisper to God "Please let me never forget this moment" as they do the smallest things, that to most would seem trivial, but to me... mean the world!

Those are the moments... the REAL moments, that I hope to capture for you!

The rules for the giveaway.

In order to win you must be a follower of Melody Ann Photography on Facebook. 
Also you must follow Always Chasing Life on Facebook. 

Additional entries. Share this giveaway via facebook or twitter. Leave a comment on my blog stating why you want to win this giveaway; what kind of photos are you needing? Pin a photo done by Melody Ann on Pinterest. 

Mini Sessions are only done in the Rockford Area. To win... you must be willing to travel to the Rockford area. 

Please feel free to contact me with any questions

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Fawn- Super cute photos of you and your little guy :)

  2. Melody does such a great job!! I would love to win this giveaway so I can do a Mommy and Me shoot with my kiddos. :)

  3. I love Melodys work!! I would love to do a Mommy and Me shoot with my kiddos if I win :)

  4. Love her pictures! I see them all the time and keep wanting to book, time just flies by though.

  5. I love your photos always! I really would live a brother & sister shoot!

  6. I love your photos! I would love a brother & sister shoot!

  7. I love love melodys work! she did a shoot with my kiddos about 3 yrs ago. I think it's about time to do it again :)

  8. love melodys work! she took pics of my kids about 3 yrs ago. definitely time for more :)

  9. Love these photos and all the others I have seen on Melody's Facebook!

  10. Melody your pictures are amazing and I get so many comments on the mini session you did with maddy this winter and I would Love to have a happy family session, it is very much needed :)

  11. Love your pictures! Would love to have some of my own!

  12. We have ever taken profesional photos ot in the budget. It will be family!

  13. I'd love to win for pics of my newborn and toddler!

  14. HUGE Melody fan...LOVE her...would love this... :)

  15. HUGE Melody fan...LOVE her! Would love to wind this... :)
