Thursday, July 25, 2013

Snippets of Home

Well trying to finish up the library has pretty much taken over my life and left no free time to do much of anything. So posts have been sporadic... and random. And I have a thousand things to do but trying desperately to get the library/dining room done so the front half of my house is usable.  Oh and did I mention that in the middle of drowning in a library project... I decided it would be a good time to tackle my stair case. I'm crazy... well so my husband says. He would not have done that but when he came home to me one day priming half of it... well... we have to keep going with it. so I have A LOT of trim work to fix after doing the floor and well... we have banged up quite a few things during the library project... but well... I decided to try and ignore it until we have the library done...

So I thought i would do a very short snippets piece with a few things going on around in our house... that I haven't shared.

Last week I did a post on a few of my favorites things... and I ordered a few signs from Barn Owl Primitives and they arrived. so I put them up even though they are surrounded in chaos.

The first one... be awesome today... I actually was going to put this above our back doors in our kitchen but my husband was pretty insistent he wanted it above the front door... and sometimes... I let him win :)

But turns out.. he was right. I love it.

Don't mind how the bottom of that wood on the stairs isn't painted... I plan on changing that whole lay out... Hopefully, I will have a finished staircase to show you soon.

Another sign I bought... Makes me happy.. because I love ice cream.... so this sign... is fitting for us

You might notice I took down the curtain I made. I decided... I didn't want a treatment on this window... the natural light is nice... so I still have some touch up painting to do around the window.

So those are some small changes around the house in the middle of chaos. Check out Barn Owl Primitives on Etsy.. their signs are absolutely amazing.


  1. I love them both but the one above your door is my fav. It looks great there!

  2. LOVE that sign above your door!! Such a great great reminder!
