Monday, August 12, 2013

Staircase Round 1.

I have been a little MIA lately. Things in my house have been CHAOTIC.
Working on the library and the staircase at the same time is nuts. and I am ready to be done with all projects and take a break for a bit. at least a break from BIG projects!

but for now I have to keep going

So here is the staircase before

So round one was painting the banister and all the spindles. 

So after a long ... long... long weekend of painting we ended up here

So much better right? 

And you might be confused why the bottom poles are painted? We are going back and forth on those. we want to push back the newel posts (build our own) to give more space to the front door. But at the same time we are exhausted and thinking maybe we will just finish it and redo that part later. We will see how we feel later this week

So that is what has been going on in this neck of the woods. 
This week we will be attacking round 2 on this project... which means new stair treads and deciding on if we will be eliminating those bottom poles and opening up the stairway... 
And finishing up what is left of the painting... which seems to be never ending

But this week will be all about ripping up carpet. staining new treads and painting risers. and painting the lower part of the trim that was touching the carpet. I am already wanting this project to be done. It will be a long week 

Ps. I am back now and posting more frequently. sometimes we just need that break from blogging to concentrate on things at home... So I needed a break. But here I am :)

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