Thursday, November 14, 2013

Dining room update - Benches complete

So we made some more progress on the dining room this week. The benches are complete. so we now can sit at our table and use it.

I wasn't too sure if I wanted benches in here. And I possibly could change my mind later on down the road and swap them out for something else. but let me tell you. I love these benches. They are sturdy and huge and I can fit so many kid bottoms on this thing so it is awesome for when the nieces are over :)

We also removed the big metal circle from the living room and placed that on the wall in here. I like it better in this room. It really stands out against the white wall.

The wall at the end of the dining room table I believe will hold some photos. I'm still not sure if I want to do a gallery wall or put up some over sized family prints. I might need to take a trip to Ikea and check out some frames and decide from there.

Now we just need two chairs at the end of the table and this room will be set as far as furniture...
there are a few small things we still need to do. cover the outlets and get those finished. switch out the light switch for a dimmer. because i like the idea of a dimmer for low light in the dining room. and we want to create a DIY version for the air intake thingy mo bob. But the hardest parts of this room are over... so we should be able to finish this up rather quickly now.

So here are some in progress photos. Too many photos... but that's just what I do

So back to the to do list.

1. add board and batten to the walls to add in some architectural interest that matches the library.
2. paint the room white.
3. Paint the ceiling
4. Hang new Chandelier
5. Replace the light switch with a dimmer
6. Put up new baseboards
7. Build large dining room table
8. Build benches
9. Find curtains
10. Large free standing mirror to bounce off more light
11. Wall decor (half way there ... one wall left)
12. Table decor
13. paint window trim white
14. add woven blinds?
14. outlets cover
15. air intake cover
16. 2 chairs for the ends of the table

We are getting there. Progress is nice. I am thinking of going out and getting curtains this weekend and finishing up the outlets and intake cover.

Then I can concentrate on decorating the rest of that room : )

Anyone else racing to get a project done before Thanksgiving? Or just me?


  1. Seriously gorgeous. I love every detail. Where did you get that metal circle?

    1. Thanks! We got it at Marshals about a year ago! :)

  2. Beautiful room!!! May I ask where the chandelier is from?

  3. I love every part of the room and the new library...may I ask where the chandelier is from?

    1. The chandelier is from Pottery Barn. It's my favorite thing in that room! :)
